Sunday, December 12, 2010

First blog

I’ve resisted the idea of a blog for a long time due to some harebrained ideation of self which I don’t think I’ve ever really understood. Something about putting myself (the genuine variety of it) in print might somehow siphon away from who I want to become, and that I may begin to misrepresent myself for views, or traffic.
So I’ve given myself a few conditions.
I will not peddle.
 I won’t discuss it without instigation, or make passing allusions to its existence. It will simply be a crosswind somewhere in the back of mind that will be fed whenever the proper thought deigns the medium.
I can only hope that whoever may read it, will return out of enjoyment without a single external inducement.
    It will attempt to live up to its name which will is “Wonder in color” which I will take to mean thoughts that stir some emotion, which I experience as color. It’s my most certain belief that the mind represents all abstraction with a color, and that physical color we see is just another example of this.
    I will condense, and condense. I will paint unseen, aphonic portraits of distant color with a few choice words.

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